Lady Cun Faya

Lady Cun Faya

Lady Cun Faya is an international Dancer and Choreographer, living between Italy and France, originally from Cameroun. She has been travelling the world to share her passion to students and to share her vision about social dance! Her style is unique: “Lady” bringing the sexy actitude on the dance floor ,”Cun”showing her powerful side and “Faya” that represents her crazy energy! She believes in “Women empowerment”,strong and independent women determined to rise. Her dance concept is called Fayaheels, women expressing themselves through Dance. Actually represented by AMCK agency, the leading agency in Europe, based in London.

TV PROGRAMS – Semifinalist at ITALIA’ S GOT TALENT 2019 – Guest at “GUTA GUTARRAK” in Spain 2018

BRAND PARTNERSHIP -REEBOK 2020, Cardi B limited Edition -ATIPICI 2019, Black Pyramid -PUMA JDSPORT 2021


-Dancer for Parris Goebel ( Rihanna, Jlo’s Choreographer) -Masterclass Tour in Russia, Cina, Taiwan, Philippine,Europa, Argentina,Cile,Brasil, Messico,Reunion Island and more – Dancer in the French dance clip of Taiwan Mc ft Paloma “Catalina – Main Dancer of DJ GRUFF( Italy) -Finalist of JUSTE DEBOUT 2016, The most important Freestyle Dance competition in the world (Dancehall Category) -Winners of Freestyle competitions: MC HIP HOP CONTEST, WHOS THAT LADY, DA HIP HOP SHOW… – Top 30 at HIP HOP INTERNATIONAL Choreographic Competions

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